Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Just when you think.....

Just when you think my ex husband is an ass.... he comes through!

He will be paying child support once a month instead of every other week. Starting next week he will be paying ALL of the child support! Apparently it works out better for his pay schedule and I am happy to oblige, because honestly, that means rent can come out of one place and not over 2 weeks like we have been doing. WOOHOO. I effing LOVE that. Paying rent is gooooooood.

So yeah, Im still working out. I did cardio this morning and I LOVE IT. Walking cardio. I felt it everywhere. I think I am going to add that 20 mins into my routine. Seriously, anyone who has "on demand" from Time Warner... check out exercise TV. Its free. And has A MILLION different programs you can do.

Hold on, kids are fighting. I will be back.


Kirsten said...

Yeah for money from Al!

Ladiebug said...

Money is good. But I wouldnt put paying your rent at risk with the way he is unreliable....with your luck he will do it couple times and boom, "I cant pay it all this time." I hate to be the hole in the silver linning but you know how he is.

Ladiebug said...

I forgot to say , "You go girl!" with the working out!!!

Special K said...

Good going on the money you can't count on from Al! Hope it keeps up!
GO YOU on the workout! I am proud of you, you can do it! RAH RAH RAH!