Monday, June 16, 2008

Father's Day

First off, Happy Father's Day to all the dad's out there........

Us moms couldn't be moms without you dads.... so thank you for being there!

How was your father's day?????

Ours was pretty good. I didn't have Kevin and Bailee this weekend but Justin was here! I felt kinda bad that the kids weren't here for Jesse...... but in reality, it was a nice day.

We went out to Jesse's sisters house for a picnic. We had good food, good company and great fun. I even talked to my dad yesterday! For like 20 minnutes!!!! I miss him.

The kids took a gift over to Allyn that I bought, put thought into and wrapped. Did I get a thank you???? nope, sure didn't. I don't know why I bother. In this whole gift giving thing I asked Al's girlfriend if she had any ideas on what to get him..... do you know what she said???? ***Mind you, she KNEW it was going to be from the KIDS...... she told me I could get him some Jagermeister. Yes, the alcohol. FROM HIS CHILDREN. HIS YOUNG CHILDREN. OMG.... I about died. REALLY????

Good god.

So I ended up getting him a nice polo shirt and I framed and matted a picture of Kevin and Bailee.

Jesse got a hot pair of shorts from AE. *** of course. He wore them yesterday and honestly I almost ripped them off of him about 40 times yesterday. HOT.

Other than that the kids went to a lake house in Canada yesterday. They were supposed to come home last night around 8, but got to spend another night with dad when he lost track of time. I am happy they got to spend more time with Al.

Althought Kevin came home with sun poisoning. That pisses me off....... but hey.

So what did you guys do?


Special K said...

You are too nice for your own good, you should of gave Jess that shirt and gave him a whole outfit. I am glad Al took the kids sorry to hear about Kev and his sun poisoning. UGH! Responsibilty anyone?

Oh yeah the Jager comment was priceless. Good gravy!

Ladiebug said...

Wow Jager form the kids! She obviously doesnt remember what kids give parents. Heck I wold have just had the kids make cards for him. You are too nice!
Poor Mister K. Sounds like dad needs a big reminder on applying sunscreen.
Dave went golfing with his dad and bros in the am, then we all headed to Jordans t-ball game and from there we all(Daves side and Jocelyns parents) went and had chinese. D, K and I ended the day at my parents in our pool (we set it up there since our house is for sale-in the sold process now).

Kirsten said...

I didn't do a damn thing for Rob. So you are a much better person that I am